Privacy statement
The personal information collected when you sign up for an account
will not be transmitted to any third party for any reason other
than a legal requirement on my part to do so. At some point in
time, I may send an email to the provided email address. If there
ever is such an email, it will provide instructions as to how you
may establish the fact that you want no more emails from me.
Unlike some other sites, I will not bombard you with marketing
messages about "Buy this great thing so I can make money off you".
As far as information collected about your use of the site, the
following pieces of information are collected:
Info that goes in the web server log file
- Your IP address/machine name
- The URL of the page you hit
- The time you hit the page
- The referring page (the page that linked to the page you hit)
- The browser and operating system you are using
If any of this information frightens you, keep in mind that every
single web site known to man collects this exact same information.
Info collected by my scripts
- The script you accessed
- The user name with which the script was accessed
- If applicable, the type of file that was dealt with
- If applicable, the action you were performing
- If applicable, the tool you were using
- If applicable, other non personal information about the action
- The time you hit the script
This is it. An example of this second set of info would be:
Let's say you log in as user bob from the main screen and then you upload a file
named me.jpg and then you create a file called pics.html and you add
the image to that page and save the page. Then you clicked the
expand-the-tree button to check on something. Then you quit Netscape.
The information that would have been collected is:
- whatever.cgi, user=bob, mode=login, and the time
- whatever.cgi, user=bob, mode=upload, filetype=jpg, and the time
- whatever.cgi, user=bob, mode=edit, filetype=html, and the time
- whatever.cgi, user=bob, misc=expand_tree, and the time
This is all relatively harmless. The point of this is for me to see
which features people use the most and which ones are ignored.
Also, when I want to do performance enhancements, this will give me
an idea of which sections of code should be streamlined the most.
Besides, who doesn't like tons of statistics?
No one cares what this says blah blah blah who reads this bottom line anyway?